Welcome to Tree Awareness!
We believe that God has created the earth and all that is in it. We consider it a wonder and a privilege to work on trees. It is our job at Tree Awareness, Inc. to be good stewards of the local forest. We notice and understand how trees and all of their associates play an important roll in our communities and effect our everyday life. We are savvy to the emotional, visceral response that people have when they see an old mature tree. We, as a company, share those feelings with you . And, I have personally escaped to the wood for peace throughout the course of my life. Hiking, camping canoeing rock climbing and skiing have been my recreation. All of these with the forest in common. These are the thoughts, feelings and principals that drive our approach in caring for your trees. Less invasive , more in harmony! Paul Biester, Owner Tree Awareness, Inc.
“We have used Tree Awareness for 8 years. They do the jobs right away and do a great job!”
Sharp, Logan Twp., NJ
We greatly value client feedback and take price in receiving testimonials that highlight their satisfaction with our service.

Paul Biester Consulting
“Paul has been a business owner since the founding of his tree service company in 1993. Before that, as a young man, he learned to work multiple small jobs to earn money and quickly learned to be self reliant. He was and is, a student of life; over time he developed a heart for teaching and for people…”
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Now is the time to be on the lookout for bagworms on your evergreens. Treatments are done mid May to mid June. Check out our blog post to learn more about what you can do.
Paul and the crew working in cold weather!
Snow time!