Society of LTE


Friday, January 17, was the annual Society of Licensed Tree Experts dinner. It is always a good time . A combination of good food, a warm location, and even better friends. I was struck by something as I sat and observed the happenings. There were some very old faces in the crowd . Faces I remember from my very earliest days being around this group. We also recognized a new class of Licensed Tree Experts and they received their numbers and plaques. As I contemplated the juxtaposition of these things it begged a question . Where was I on this continuum ? Well I guess I am somewhere in the middle. What does this all mean? Having been around this group for a good number of years I realize that initially it was about learning as much as possible and getting certified. When first entering this field I wanted to be around the best and the brightest minds hoping that some of that would rub off on me and that they would hold me accountable to a high standard. I think it is very important for us , in any field of endeavor , to never feel that we have arrived. It is always a process and we should continue to learn and grow. What I realize though is that I must now be a person who is willing to invest in others . As new people come in they will have the same attitudes and desires we had when we first came on the scene , with our wide eyed enthusiasm . I don’t necessarily see myself as a mentor but it does seem like the natural progression of things. We move from one end of the spectrum to the other over the course of time. As we develop mastery of certain skills and blend that with life experience we have a duty to share that with those that are coming behind us. Quite frankly the energy of newness and the enthusiasm they bring should invigorate us to continue our own quest. I think this is a principle not limited to the tree industry but many areas of life and vocation.

It seems many things in life have a progressive flow to them. Whether it is your profession, perhaps a hobby like martial arts, music or yoga we are all somewhere on a continuum of learning . We are likely not the worst or the best at anything at a given time. There are people ahead of us and people behind us. It seems to me that a great formula would be to be learning from those ahead and reaching back to help those who need it. You might even develop some good relationships along the way.

Paul Biester